I stand amazed at the power of thought as life presents its curve balls. They come straight at you, no announcement beforehand. Decision time.

Shall I duck, twirl, jump or try to avoid this test, as it speeds to hijack my slow progression of growth the past months? Shall I turn my back hoping it will hit me on the shoulder and bounce away? Or shall I rather catch firmly, digging my heels and speed towards my own checkered flag?
The latter is the best option. I’m going to make this test, I’m not taking it again. I will graduate. I will look it in the eye before it hits my soul leaving it puffed-blue as before.
Many tests present themselves daily. Some consist of difficult choices to make. Choices always influence your future and character, even other people.
What the bat delivers has to be caught. It’s extremely confrontational to catch and run with the ball. It’s sweaty, dirty, even heavy. It stings as it’s impact connects with your flesh.
But the effort for that moment in time, is worth it. Too much thought can trip your pace.
The satisfaction of adhering to a still small Voice – humbling. Personal victory – priceless!